Sunday, August 11, 2013

Multivitamins, Calcium, Vitamin D3, Omega-3, Probiotics

These are the absolute basics you’ll need for your mind and body to function properly. If you’re on a budget or get a monthly allowance from Ma or Pa, use it on this kit!

Multivitamins – Helps the biochemical reactions in your brain and body run smoothly.

Calcium/Magnesium – Calms and ensures optimal nervous system function. Relaxes muscles and nerves, improves your sleep, and reduces the effects of stress.

Vitamin D3 – Boosts mood and memory; enhances the brain and heart function, supports bone strength and healthy immune cell function.

Methylation support (B-Complex Vitamins) – B6, B12 and Folic Acid, Essential for making neurotransmitters, which help you focus, remember, and feel happy. Also detoxifies.

Omega-3 Fats – Helps build healthy brain cells, promotes memory, focus, and mood, and supports cardiovascular and immune system function.

Probiotics – Supports the intestinal lining and promotes gut-brain synergy.