Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Have multidimensional awareness

Often affect electronics or other electrical items, sometimes causing them to malfunction.

Can communicate mentally (telepathy).

Are able to predict the future (precognition).

Can move objects by changing their relationship to reality (telekinesis).

Can mentally see things distant in space or time (clairvoyance/remove viewing).

Can "download" information from non-local realities.

Have penetrating intuitiveness (just "know" things without being told).

Able to remotely influence others (telepathically).

Can learn about another's health, intentions, motivations, and so on by "reading" the energy field surrounding them.

Are able to diagnose illness or malfunction within another's energy fields.

Able to perform psychic or bio-energetic healing.

Can move self or an object from one locate to another by mental effort (teleportation).

Can rise from the ground, defying gravity (levitation).

Are able to work outside of time, causing events to occur rapidly (or conversely, slowing them to an extreme).

Are sensitive to imminent earthquakes and other disasters.

Have multidimensional awareness.